EMC in Collaboration with Expat Associations

The purpose of this podcast episode is to help new expats arriving in Jakarta gain an understanding of the various expatriate associations and support available in Jakarta. We have a discussion with representatives from the top expat groups in Jakarta about the variety of choices in Jakarta, why diversity is important to the expat culture, and how we feel expat groups affect life in Jakarta. Our goal is to leave our listeners with a snapshot of the types of groups that are available in Jakarta so that when they move here, they can get settled in quicker and really find their community.

  1. ANZA (Australian and New Zealand Association) Jakarta A non-profit organization welcoming members of all nationalities. Activities are organized to bring members together and to raise support for local charities. Follow or get in touch: ANZA Info & Events: linktr.ee/anzajkt Instagram: @anzajkt Facebook: @anzajkt.new Website: www.anzajakarta.com/ Membership Sign-up: https://Bit.ly/anzamembershipform WhatsApp: 0813 8602 5551


  1. AIA ( Associaćion Ibero-Americana Jakarta) A non-profit organization welcoming the Spanish and Portuguese speaking community. Follow or get in touch: Instagram: @aia_jakarta Facebook: @aia.jakarta Email: [email protected]


  1. BWA (British Women Association). A non-profit organization welcoming members of all nationalities. Follow or get in touch: Instagram: @bwajakarta


  1. DIE BRÜCKE (German Association). A non-profit organization for German speaking people, expats, and locals to get together and organize many activities including charities. Follow or get in touch: Instagram: @diebrueckejakarta Email: brü[email protected] Website: www.die-bruecke-jakarta.org


  1. DNC ( De Nederlandse Club) – Dutch Expat Society Founded in 2000 for Dutch and Dutch speaking people living in Indonesia together. A non-profit organization organizing many activities for members and also to raise funds for social welfare programs. Follow or get in touch: Instagram: @dncjakarta Website: www.dncjakarta.nl Sign up form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1uo4x… Email: [email protected]


  1. IHS (Indonesian Heritage Society) A non-profit organization with a mission to assist cultural and educational institutions to promote and increase appreciation of Indonesia’s cultural heritage. Follow or get in touch: Website: https://new.heritagejkt.org/ Phone: +62 21 5725870 Whatsapp: +6281381741311 Email: [email protected]


  1. WIC (WOMEN’S INTERNATIONAL CLUB) The oldest international women organization in Indonesia with 300 members, 60% Indonesian and 40% expats from 20 different countries. A non-profit organization and social club, with many activities for members and successful charity programs such as WIC Bazaar. Follow or get in touch: Instagram : @wicjakarta Website : www.wic-jakarta.or.id Other links mentioned: Instagram Account – Jakarta’s Best: @jakartasbest Instagram Account – Jakarta’s Best Kids: @jakartasbestkids

EMC Relocations www.emcrelocations.com [email protected] https://linktr.ee/emcrelocations

Instagram page @emc_relocations

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