Living in Jakarta

My Transition to JIS

If I were to explain my transition to Jakarta Intercultural School in one word, it would be “relief.” I was dreading moving to Jakarta from the U.S.A at the beginning of last school year, but JIS has so many new student programs, community building events, and opportunities to explore shared interests that my transition was pretty smooth. I’m proud to say I go to JIS...

Getting settled in Jakarta. Things you need to know as a newbie

Jakarta is not exactly an easy city, we all know that. The traffic, the bad air, the blistering heat can be overwhelming. But: If you know the right resources and tips you will find your home far away from home in this city, we promise. We have put together a few starter kit information for you that will help you getting settled in Jakarta - and some of them might even be interesting for people who live here for a longer time already.

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